Where to get started with your genealogy research: Part II


In Part I of this blog series on “Where to get started with your genealogy research,” we discussed the importance of speaking with living family members and setting goals and scope for your research prior to actually starting it.  Part II focuses on preparing for the inevitable task of storing both physical and digital evidence that you will collect during the course of your research. 

You will want to put some thought into how you plan to store and manage information, photos, and other items prior to starting your genealogical journey for a couple of reasons.  First, you want to preserve the information and items you collect so they are available to future generations to use and enjoy .  Just as you have become an aspiring family historian, there will be other family members in future generations that may inspire to follow in your steps.  Instead of starting from scratch like so many of us have to do when we first begin, your family’s future historians can leverage your genealogical research as a starting point when they begin their own journey.   Sharing your compilation of family heirlooms, histories, records, photos, etc. can be just as fulfilling as making their discoveries.  Thus, it is imperative that you take the time to plan on how you will safely and securely store your family history.

Second, you will inevitably need to refer back to the information and items during the course of your own research.  Thus, they need to be readily accessible to support your research requirements.   I lost count how many times I reviewed the same record over and over again only to find a previously overlooked piece of information that pointed my research into a new, and much-needed, direction.   I was able to easily retrieve these records for review because I established a file management system early on in my research that enables me to quickly search for and retrieve records, photos, and other types of documents.   If you wait too long to establish such a system, it will take a considerable amount of your time to organize the sheer volume of information and items that you have likely to accumulated over months and years, which will inevitably cut into your available time to conduct actual research!  Implement your storage system early on and be disciplined enough to use it on a consistent basis.

Recommendations and Tips

have broken down my recommendations and tips into three general topic areas: research journals and logs; storage of physical evidence; and storage of digital evidence.

Research journals and logs.  Many genealogists recommend maintaining a research journal and/or log for each family line you are researching.   A simple internet search can lead you to dozens of research log templates.   I keep my own logs on a basic Word document on my computer’s  hard drive.  It consists mostly of comments and questions I have about the current state of my research, hypothesis and theories to guide my research, information gaps I need to fill in order to solve problems and overcome brick walls, things to do lists, etc.  For instance, under my Cosgrove research log, I have a list of cemeteries I need to either contact or visit in the Watertown, Massachusetts area in hopes of finding where my 3rd great-grandmother, Theresa (nee Dunn) Cosgrove, is interned.  The log’s list of cemeteries includes their names, addresses, phone numbers, website addresses, and email addresses to the cemetery offices.  

I also maintain notebooks, or journals, for several family lines in which I can take notes when conducting research at libraries, archives, relatives’ homes, etc.  Sometimes when I travel, I don’t want to carry a laptop with me, especially when I travel by air.  Instead, I pack the notebook for the family line I plan to research during my vacation.  I also include a copy of my most current version of my research log and tuck it into one of the document sleeves that is part of the notebook.  I also have my ancestry files stored on my tablet, so I usually take that along as well since it is considerably lighter and more compact than my laptop. Thus, if I need to refer to a specific record, I can simply pull it up on my tablet. This technique makes for a convenient way to travel without feeling overburdened having to carry a laptop and other bulky items and materials on my trip.   Some people use apps on their phones or tablets, such as Evernote, to maintain their research journals and logs.  Regardless if you use a template, make your own, or use an app, the important thing is you have one AND YOU USE IT to help keep you focused and on track.

Physical materials.  Physical evidence is a bit more challenging to maintain, mostly due to storage space requirements.  If one were to write a list of the types of physical evidence and items that a genealogist could feasibly come into possession with during his or her research, it would truly be endless. Generally speaking, you will most likely come into possession of some type of paper documents (records, certificates, etc.), photos, and keepsakes, such as jewelry, that once belong to an ancestor.  A good rule of thumb is to store all of these items in a safe, dry place.  If at all possible, avoid storing physical items in basements and attics.  Basements tend to have high moisture contents, which could eventually lead to damaged papers and photos (think mildew/mold).  They are also prone to flooding depending on the quality of your foundation or location where your house was built.  Most attics lack sufficient environmental controls (heading, cooling, etc.) and their venting systems are designed to allow air from the outside to penetrate the space to help with air circulation, which could pose problems for your materials.  If possible, I recommend storing photo albums and document binders (for other types of documents such as birth and death certificates) on book shelves, in totes, or fire proof containers.  Try to keep the items and their storage containers about a foot off the ground if possible.

Many genealogists use quality three ring binders to store physical copy of records and other documents.  Depending on the scope of your research and the size of your family, you may need a small handful or a large amount of binders.  Large and well-documented family lines may require several binders.  Store paper documents in acid-free plastic sleeves in the binders.  I recommend having a filing system, whether you categorize the documents by record type (ie, census, birth certificates, death certificates, etc.) or by the person they pertain.  If you come into possession of loose photographs, ensure you store them in photo albums.  Modern photo albums (if made with acid-free materials) are a much better option for protecting old photos than the ones they may have been stored in over the last 50-100+ years.  However, do not attempt to remove the photos from their old albums if you think it may cause damage to the photos themselves!  Regardless of your decision, always TAKE DIGITAL PHOTOS of the older photos for safekeeping.    It is recommended to scan or photograph newspaper clippings as the paper that they are normally printed on either tends to breakdown or the ink fades over time.

Digital evidence.  For digital evidence, create a folder system on your computer’s hard drive to store the records, spreadsheets, written histories, digital photos, and other digital materials you will collect and make yourself over time.  For my personal technique, I created a master folder called “Ancestry Records” on my computer’s desktop.  Within the master folder, I created individual folders for each major family line (Cosgrove, Brown, Smith, etc.).  Within each family folder, I created sub-folders for each direct ancestor, and depending on the circumstances and details of each branch, I may make additional folders for their children’s generation(s). I also have miscellaneous folders for DNA test results, digital maps, digital books, and other topics that may not necessarily be connected to a specific family line.

For surname lines, I further sub-divided each person’s individual folder into additional sub-folders according to the different types of records I collected for them (each record type had its own sub-folder): federal census; state census; city directories; vital records; baptism records; military records; immigration and naturalization records; etc.  Here is an example of directory of the folder system I use for my Cosgrove line:

  • Cosgrove Family Line
    • John Patrick Cosgrove
      • Federal Census Records
      • State Census Records
      • City Directories
      • Immigration and Naturalization Records
      • Vital Records
    • Joseph Cosgrove
      • Federal Census Records
      • State Census Records
      • City Directories
      • Immigration and Naturalization Records
      • Vital Records
      • Military Service Records
      • Professional and Social Organizations
      • Photos

Naming conventions for your folders are important too when you save digital records from websites.  Sometimes when you download an image of the 1900 US Federal Census record, the file’s name is not something clean and simple such as “1900 US Federal Census Record”. Instead, its usually gibberish of some sorts consisting of a long string of letters, symbols, and numbers intermixed.  Thus, take the time to think through a naming convention so every type of record you save follows an identical format (when possible). Something as simple as “year record type” may suffice:

“1900 US Federal Census”

“1865 Massachusetts State Census”

“1910 Birth Certificate”

Some people may add a specific ancestor’s name, location, etc to the file’s name.  I found this problematic because census records usually contained information on multiple members of a family unit and trying to add all of their names on a file’s name was too much.  Thus, I used a simple naming convention as listed above and filed copies of the records under each individual’s sub-folder according to the record type.   After several years of using this technique, it has worked very well and I have not had to modify it in any manner.  The important take away is to find a system that works for you and be disciplined enough to use it.  It makes storing and retrieving information so much faster and easier!

My final tip is probably one of the most important recommendations I can make: back up your digital files!  Just as I recommended you to take digital photos of existing photographs from albums, I strongly recommend that you back-up your digital files to avoid catastrophic loss of your family history.  Every record I save to an ancestor’s profile on a genealogy website, I also download to my computer’s hard drive as well.  I then back up the records a couple of times a month on to a thumb drive and a removable hard drive.  I also back it up to my tablet’s SD card as well. Thus, I have each individual file saved on the website, my computer’s hard drive, my tablet, a removable hard drive, and a thumb drive.   Thus, I feel reasonably safe that I am protecting my digital files from catastrophic loss.  Saving the files, if done routinely only takes a couple of minutes to do. 

I would love to hear about your ideas and recommendations that you have learned through your own research. Please post them in the comments’ section below!

My next blog posting will provide a short overview of the Irish origins of the Cosgrove surname.

Where to get started with your genealogy research: Part 1

Introduction: Stepping off on the right foot with your research

When most people begin their genealogy journey, one of the first things they do is join a genealogy website.   There isn’t anything wrong with taking this as your first step in your journey.   However, I often recommend to people that they start their journeys by sitting down with living family members to discuss your shared family histories.    

Too often, people overlook the fact that some of the most critical pieces of information that they need to start their family trees often exist within their own homes or the homes of their grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.   For instance, I discovered that my late grandfather still has five first cousins alive today.  I was floored by this discovery.   I discovered one on Facebook and she in turn put me in touch with other cousins.  Each cousin provided clues that helped me at some point along my journey, whether it was pointing me in a certain direction with my research or, just as important, confirming research findings I had already made that I was unsure about.  One was even kind enough to show me the family plot at a cemetery where my great-grandfather and his parents were interned. Luckily, I discovered my cousins early on in my research and their support helped focus my efforts from the beginning.

In another instance, my paternal aunt and a second cousin both saved family photo albums that contained photos dating back to the 1870s along with other various family artifacts. I was able to use the photos and other documents to fill out my family lines and confirm existing research findings.  Each treasure trove of information was the result of me simply asking each relative if they had any information in their possessions that they would be willing to share with me!  I’m thankful for their support as well as for the fact that they have taken great care over the years to keep these family treasures safe for future generations (such as the photo above of my grandfather as a young boy with his father).

The other reason I recommend speaking to family members first before conducting any research (well, technically, “interviewing” family members is a form of research) is that the information you gain may help provide both context to the time periods certain family members lived as well as provide focus and scope for your research.   Genealogy means something different for each person.   Some people are content with identifying and documenting a couple of earlier generations while other people want to conduct deeper research into the lives of their individual ancestors.    Interviewing family members may motivate you to conduct more extensive research or may cause you to limit your approach and scope, at least initially as you begin.

Setting Goals and Objectives

Before you speak to relatives, take a moment to write out some tentative goals and objectives for your overall genealogical journey.   Are you only interested in making a pedigree tree in which you document up to your great-grandparents’ or 2nd great-grandparents’ generation?  Do you want to go further back in your pedigree?  Do you want to make a more comprehensive family tree that documents relatives from each family line as far back and as far forward (i.e., living cousins) as your research will take you? Are you interested in writing detailed family histories for each family line or particular ancestors?  Or are you limiting your research to focus on one particular family line?

These are just a fraction of questions a family historian may, and should, ask him or herself.  Answers to these questions will help focus your research and establish a scope for it and will help prepare you for interviews with family members.   Ensure you maintain some level of flexibility with your goals as the probability exists you will adjust these goals overtime.   Initially, my goals were to determine which direct ancestor from each family line was the first to immigrate to North America and to trace him or her back to their places of origin down to either the county or city/town level.  That was it…pretty simple in theory.  However, as I conducted more research, I became fascinated with the lives of many of my direct ancestors, great aunts and uncles, cousins, etc.  Thus, while my initial goals remained the foundation for my research, I added several more goals along the way, many of which were inspired by the research I was (and still am) conducting.

Preparations for Family Interviews

Ensure you take some time to prepare for the interviews.  First, draw up a list of potential family members to interview.  Second, assess whether you think the family members will be willing to discuss that particular family line’s history with you.  Some family members have zero interest in family history and may not want to take the personal time to engage in such topics.  Other people, unbeknownst to you, may have knowledge or experienced trauma earlier in their lives in which discussing family history may cause them to relive some painful memories.  So be prepared for some relatives to show little interest in your desire to learn about your family or for other relatives who may avoid such discussions because of personal issues they rather not think about let alone discuss. Regardless of the reason, respect their decisions. How you handle this initial rejection may bear fruit down the road if the family member eventually changes his or her mind and agrees to the interview at a later date. My final thought on preparing a list of family members to interview is to prioritize the older family members first. Life is short and time is precious. Take advantage of interviewing older family members while the opportunity exists.

Third, I strongly recommend preparing some questions ahead of time for your interview.  Having a list of prepared questions can help you stay focused and on track during the interview.  Plus it will give you some idea of how long the interviews may take. However, don’t take such a rigid approach to the questioning that you inadvertently discourage the family members who you are interviewing from sharing interesting stories or facts with you that may be outside the scope of your question list.   Also think through how you are going to record the information.  You can tape record the interview, videotape it, or hand-write the responses in a dedicated family history research notebook…or a combination of the three. 

Suggested Topics for Family Interviews

I always find it easier to come up with a list of topics and questions if I can see some ideas first, especially from others who have had great success interviewing their own family members. Here are some possible topics you may want to discuss with family members during the interviews.  Don’t limit yourself to discussing only past generations.  Ask family members about living relatives as well. You may not realize it initially, but you are actually building a network of living family historians that can assist you, mentor you, and guide you along your genealogical journey! Topics of discussion may include (list is not all inclusive):

  • Names of family members to include nicknames (sometimes you may find nicknames instead of legal names on records such as census records and city directories or listed in obituaries).
  • Dates and locations of births, marriages, and deaths (to include locations of cemeteries where families are interned).
  • Dates and locations of other important life events (baptisms, communions, engagements, graduations, etc.).
  • Residential address of ancestors (family homes, family vacation homes, etc.)(this is critical so you can use the information to verify you are looking at the right family when analyzing census record, vital records, or city directories).
  • Religion denominations of ancestors and the churches they attended.
  • Occupation(s) and specific names of employers (i.e., name of a company)for whom they worked for, businesses they may have owned, etc .
  • Education/training and specific names, dates, and locations of schools they attended.
  • Memberships to professional associations or social groups.
  • Military service.
  • Immigration paths (departure points, arrival destinations, ship’s names, family members accompanying them or following later (or who had arrived previously)).
  • Citizenship and naturalization (dates, locations, etc.).
  • Information regarding family dynamics to include:
    • Names of parents and children within specific family units/branches;
    • How many times an ancestor may have been married, the reasons why (ie, their first spouse could have passed away) and the children the ancestor had with each spouse;
    • Adoptions;
    • Divorces;
    • Illegitimate family members.
    • Ensure you collect information regarding years and places children were born or passed away (some families were transient for periods of time and knowing when and where children were born (and maybe passed away) may help you track them through various records at these locations.
  • Availability of family records and artifacts such as:
    • Family bibles that have recorded information on births, marriages, deaths, baptisms, first communions, etc.
    • Photo albums (remember to check the back of each photo as it may include names, dates, locations, etc.)(photo albums tend to contain other information other than photos to include letters, newspaper clippings, obituaries, funeral cards, etc. so don’t forget to ask if you can look through the albums).
    • Certificates (education, training, birth, etc.) and licenses (driver’s, hunting, occupational, etc.)
    • Military records (awards, discharge paperwork, promotion certificates, uniforms, etc.)
    • Immigration and naturalization records

As you can see, depending on how well memories are and the preservation of family artifacts over the generations, you may encounter a large amount of information simply by talking to family members!  Thus, you must prepare yourself on how you plan to manage, store, and use both physical and digital evidence that you WILL come into possession of during your genealogical research.  We will cover the topic of storage in Part II of this blog series.